Medium Roast Single Origin
Sweet, Balanced, Milk Chocolate
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Our roasters love coffee and appreciate the qualities that make every lot of green coffee unique. We specialize in finding exotic, spectacular, coffees that rekindle our amazement at coffee’s expansive ability to elicit a diverse range of responses from our senses. But sometimes new and exotic isn’t what we’re looking for in a cup. Sometimes we just want our coffee to be a warm, cozy, friendly, source of comfort, energy.
For occasions like that we craft Roaster’s Reserve. We source coffee with familiar qualities such as a chocolatey, well-balanced flavor profile. Our roast on this coffee seeks a happy medium that is light enough to be enjoyed black, but dark enough to pair well with cream and sugar.
Pair With: A splash of milk and a dash of sugar.
Brewing Instructions: We recommend starting with a 1:14 brew ratio that utilizes 205℉ water. We recommend lowering this ratio on cups that are consumed with milk and sugar, and increasing this ratio on cups consumed black.